The account says that Qatar obstructs on integration “Doetsch him bank” with “kwmyrts bank” fear from loss more of financed her who invested him in the bank most important in Germany. But the question he is behind the objection economic service or obtaining guarantees and political gains?
In precedent other than common in Germany the government pressures representative in her financial minister 'awlaaf shwlts for execution of plan aiming at birth bigger of European bank through merging bigger of two banks faces financial crises in the country, any “the German bank/Doetsch him bank” and " bank of the trade/kwmyrts bank”. Nevertheless plan of the integration this according to methods American and German information of stumbles faced from most notably two opposition contributors of prominent in the bank among them family of the Qatari Emirate. This family about road owns the beautiful investment the sovereign Qatari more than 6 in the hundred arrows gigantic bank who promises bigger German bank. In addition to this ratio estimates ownership of the private sector the Qatari in the bank about 3 in the hundred his arrows.
Justifications of the Qatari objection came in information reconciled be agreed on her numerous sources that the Qatari princes fear from contraction fell as a share to them in the bank and sufferance more of the losses if the German bank decided his increase of capital through new subtraction of bundle the arrows for sale for the sake of financing transaction of the expected integration with “kwmyrs bank”. Reports the other data available that the Qataris lost more than tertiary their moneys which pumped her in Doetsch him bank since 2014 because of valuable retreat his of arrow which declined to 7 ywrwhaat for the arrow the One other the current month March 2019.
Nevertheless position of the Qatari side at this time in particular towards the integration the inquiry arouses about what if the Qatari fears were came because of the financial losses or for other reasons marking political self. This inquiries support lack of appearance like this fears during the past few years despite continuation retreat valuable arrows of the bank in dramatic form sometimes. As that fears despite loss do not appear the needy Qatari owner billion other in arrows company of automobile industry the gigantic German “fwlksfaaGn” since that bought 17 in the hundred her arrows in value of increases about 12 billion dollars in 2009. Nor the financial results for her investments in giant of the energy appear “Siemens” or the marine transfer “feared you - for Lloyd” or giant constructive “xwxtyf” rosy. The Qatari state in the German companies invests the giant more than 25 billion Euro. If added to her the Qatari special investments the amount increases thereon in several billion. Prince of Qatar during his visit to Berlin promised fall last year in pumping 10 billion additional in the German companies. Who matter that the state makes small bigger Arabic investor and middle east in Germany advanced on Kuwait which invests in what evaluated him about 27 billion Euro much her in company daaymlr which cars of notorious Mercedes result.